Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: A0078

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Private Collection
Private Owner
1830 Book of Mormon, General Authority Signatures, McKay, Hanks, Kimball, Benson
Inscription listing C.S Morton 1836 and Blain Jensen July 14, 1966.
Current owner since 2019.
Unique Features
Spine: Signs of leather drying apparent. Gold ribbing on lower sections visible. Visible wear on upper and lower edged.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black title ribbon present. Gold lettering visible, slight cracking on first O in Book and First O in Mormon. Small text title font.
Cover: Various scratch marks, and noticeable discolored mark near lower right corner. Wear marks on upper and lower outside edges.
Binding: Cover/spine hinge attached. Two front endpapers, two back endpapers.
Title Page: present and intact. subtle triangular cockling on upper right and lower left corners. Various foxing marks near edges and at “Mor-“ in subtitle.
Text: Full text block, no recorded annotations or markings. Water staining on lower edging.
Inscription: Front inside pastedown: Notes in blue pen regarding purchase details by Blain Jensen from unknown Z.B(?).S on July 14, 1966. Signature of David O. McKay in Black ink, center page. First front endpaper recto: C.S Morton 1836 in pencil, top edge and Alvin M Jensen below. Three Witness page: David and Karen Hall, 2/15/2019 in black pen. Back pastedown: Marion D Hanks in blue pen, Spencer W Kimball in black pen, Ezra T Benson in blue ink at top edge.
Notes: Identifiable water staining on front and back end papers.
Pg 63 line 15 proper “And the”. Pg 144 line 36 “obout”. Proper page #212. Pg 161 line 1, “fait”. Pg 205 line 3, fading i “Nephi”. Pg 243 line 23, proper “all”. Pg 457 line 22, fading c “destruction”. Proper page #487, Pg 507 line 26/27 “which is in my name”. Pg 521 line 8/9 “mur-derers”. Three Witnesses page line 10, proper “seen”.
